Tuesday, September 14, 2010

It's a girl!

I went on September 1st for a follow up appointment with the maternal fetal medicine doctors from Sinai.  We had a very long scan because our little one just wanted to chill out.  Apparently, she prefers to sleep until noon like her mom!  After some chocolate and some ice water, we learned that she's most definitely a girl!  We got to see the rest of her "parts" since the anatomy scans were still missing a few things.  We got a picture of her profile (which we'll scan when mom and dad get home from vacation).  We couldn't be more excited! 

Her name will be Emelia Kate.  Amelia was my great grandmother's middle name.  We can't have any "A" names (no more generations of A. Nolls), so we are spelling it with an E.  Her middle name is the middle name of a dear friend who was lost too early.  We think it's the perfect name for her! 

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