Thursday, September 30, 2010

Excellent Update!

I saw the Maternal Fetal Medicine specialist yesterday and received the best news we've heard in almost two months! 

My Amniotic Fluid Index (AFI) was a 5 when I went into the hospital back in August.  The doctor told me that they prefer it to be between 10 and 20, however I've read that between 8 and 18 is normal - it just depends on who you ask.  When I went in yesterday, my AFI was a whopping 15.4!  Woohoo!  We're thrilled and really couldn't be happier.  This means that I have resealed from the leak and should no longer be leaking amniotic fluid. 

We also learned that Emelia weighs 1 pound 12 ounces.  She is in the 66th percentile for size although she is measuring about 5 days behind.  We kind of expected that though since she has been about 5 days behind since the beginning.  At least she's consistent!  We're thrilled about the weight though because even if she was born prematurely, the 1 pound 12 ounces is great! 

Less notably but pretty important nonetheless, the ultrasonographer reaffirmed that she is, in fact, a girl.  It's good to hear it again!  All those pink things on the registry would be hard to explain if she wasn't a girl! 

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